164 Days: An hour to get just me ready?

Ah, I’m back in the saddle for early morning and late night runs. I’ve been missing my headlamp forever, and my blinky arm band, and wouldn’t you know it, last night I found ’em both! So, I set the alarm for 4am to get out for a run. It went off at 4am and I figured I’d start running about 4:30am. After all, it’s just me getting ready. Don’t have to dress the kids, pile anyone in the car, make sure everyone use the bathroom, etc. Why did it take just me a whole hour to get ready? Hmm . . . used the bathroom, filled the pack with water, got dressed, KT tape on the knee, drink water . . . that shouldn’t take anyone an hour. Well, it did and once I got out the door had a fabulous run! I had forgotten how beautiful it is to see the sun rise over the pineapple fields between Haleiwa and the Dole pineapple plantation.  16 miles later I felt great.

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