110 Days: Letter to the Doc about Pneumonia Recovery
I dropped off the map after Triple Trek because I got hit HARD with pneumonia the day after the race! I’ve been noting to my self and putting a little on Facebook about the whole ordeal but I thought the following might be interesting to someone. Pneumonia is brutal. I’ll likely post on that experience later but for now, I got recovery on my mind. The first doctor at the Emergency Room that I went to at Pali Momi Medical Center happened to have run the Peacock 100k last year and is an Ironman Triathlete, so that was way awesome! Anyway, he emailed me to see how things are going and I thought that my reply to him may be of interest to you.
Well, it turns out that I can’t share the letter here on the internet because of the risk of making medical claims. If you’d like to learn exactly what I did, contact my wife Heidi, or I at http://www.essentialoilsforathletes.com/contact/. In quick summary, I ended up taking two rounds of heavy duty antibiotics to fight off the infection. Then to support my body’s recovery, I used some strong essential oils and probiotics. If you want to know which ones I used and how, I’ll gladly share.